Chrome OS

Това е измама както вече се установи от

Правилници …

ПРАВИЛНИК НА ШЕФА 1. Шефът има право. 2. Шефът винаги има право. 3. В малко вероятния случай, когато някой подчинен има право, автоматично влизат в сила чл.1 и чл.2. 4. Шефът не спи, той почива. 5. Шефът не пие, той…

PHP 5.3 on FreeBSD

Get the source from any mirror via fetch Untar/UnBzip2 it. ./configure \ –disable-all \ –prefix=/usr/local \ –with-zend-vm=CALL \ –with-apxs2=/usr/local/sbin/apxs \ –with-mysql=/usr/local \ –with-pgsql=/usr/local \ –with-tidy=/usr/local \ –with-curl=/usr/local/bin \ –with-curlwrappers \ –with-openssl-dir=/usr/local \ –with-zlib-dir=/usr/local \ –enable-mbstring \ –with-xpm-dir=/usr/local \ –with-pdo-pgsql=/usr/local…

Toyota FT-86

Toyota’s President Akio Toyoda has said the automaker is in desperate need of an excitement injection, and here’s the first dose: the Toyota FT-86 Concept. Since it’s a "concept," Toyota hasn’t divulged much about the FT-86 yet, but we do…