Google PublicDNS

It feels like Google is slowly becoming the internet. First, with their twice-as-fast HTTP replacement, SPDY, and now with Google Public DNS, which promises faster DNS lookups (and tons of data and cash for Google). Google DNS’s IP addresses?…

Невероятен кандидат за работа

Това е реална молба за работа в Макдоналдс – Флорида, подадена от 17 годишен младеж. В крайна сметка, той бил нает заради своята откровеност и чувство за хумор, въпреки “нестандартните” отговори на анкетата. ИМЕ: Грег Булмаш ПОЛ (Еng. SEX): Засега…


При компилиране от source вече имаме STABLE! FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #18: Fri Nov 27 13:13:20 EET 2009  i386

Muppet Show

In respect to the 19th anniversary of Freddy Mercury’s passing, the Muppet Show created an awesome Video of Bohemian Rhapsody. In the end scene Kermit sits behind a PC that is running Windows 7

Burj Dubai

Spectacular photo of the Burj Dubai, the world’s tallest, most absurdly ostentatious building, getting stuck by lightning. While checking for newness, I noticed something amazing: This happens all the time.

Google Chromium on FreeBSD

I started looking if there is a port of the Chromium browser (aka the open-source core of the Google Chrome browser) to FreeBSD. It looks like someone has already done it 🙂 Download Chromium for FreeBSD here! Source

Ostendo CRVD Monitor

Тhis video uses three of Ostendo’s 2880 x 900 quad-DLP CRVD monitors and the set up looks like it could satisfy even the craziest gamer or multitasker: Each monitor price is around $6500 but who cares …