Година 2013

Netbooks: R.I.P. 2007-2013

The two PC makers that were still offering netbook-style notebooks for sale, Acer and Asus, have both announced they won't be making those models anymore and will sell off their remaining netbooks. Read more...

Netbooks: R.I.P. 2007-2013

The two PC makers that were still offering netbook-style notebooks for sale, Acer and Asus, have both announced they won't be making those models anymore and will sell off their remaining netbooks. Read more...

iOS 6’s ‘Do Not Disturb’ Not Shutting Off Automatically on New Year’s Day

iOS 6 users who use Apple's scheduled "Do Not Disturb" feature may find that their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch hasn't automatically disabled the feature on New Year's morning.

The issue was reported on Whirlpool forums as well as our own MacRumors forums. The "Do Not Disturb" feature silences calls, alerts and notifications when it is enabled. Users may optionally schedule "Do Not Disturb" to activate between specific hours. This allows you to automatically disable calls and notifications while you sleep.

It's this scheduling feature that appears to be misbehaving on New Year's Day. MacRumors reader Spacesamurai posted about his experience:
I am in Japan so it is 2013, and I am finding that my iOS devices (iPhone 4 and iPad 2) are showing "Do Not Disturb" even though it is outside of the time I set for them. Not sure if this is related to the new year. Reloading the devices does not help and the software is up-to-date.
Spacesamurai's experience has been echoed by others.

Apple has had other bugs in the past related to New Year's day. In years past, Apple has had issues with alarms not going off into the new year. Fortunately, the "Do Not Disturb" feature does not disable alarms set with Apple's built-in Clock app.

2012 Apple Year In Review [Video]

2012 was a great year for Apple, and one of the most exciting for them in years. This year brought not only a myriad of new products, like the iPad mini and iPhone 5, but innovative software and services as well such as OS X Mountain Lion and iOS 6.

As 2012 comes to a close, let’s take a look back at Apple’s accomplishments for the year. If you’d like, you can also take a look back at 2011′s year in review here.

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