Година 2013

Next-Generation iPhone to Launch in More Colors, Multiple Sizes?

Following up on a report last month from Jeffries analyst Peter Misek claiming that the next-generation iPhone could launch in the middle of this year with as many as 6-8 colors, Topeka Capital Markets analyst Brian White has issued a report today indicating similar information. White also believes that Apple could offer the device with multiple screen sizes.
Our checks indicate that the next iPhone will have more choices for customers. This entails an expansion in both the color patterns and screen sizes with the next iPhone (i.e., likely called the iPhone 5S) that we currently believe will be launched in May/June with certain supply production starting in March/April.
White believes that the addition of multiple color choices for the iPod touch late last year was a "testing ground" for Apple and that the company is now moving toward bringing similar option to the iPhone, and eventually to the iPad.

As for screen size, White believes that Apple may for the first time offer a brand-new model with multiple screen size options for different segments of the market.
Although Apple offers a 4-inch screen on the iPhone 5 and a 3.5-inch screen on the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4, the Company has never offered multiple screen sizes for a single model. We believe this is about to change with the next iPhone offering different screen sizes that we believe will allow Apple to better bifurcate the market and expand its reach. This eventually opens up the possibility for a lower-priced iPhone (i.e., iPhone mini) with a smaller screen size that could allow Apple to further penetrate markets such as China and open up opportunities in India. At the same time, Apple could unveil a larger screen size compared to the recently updated 4-inch screen on the iPhone 5.
Discussion of a larger screen size is particularly difficult to believe, given that Apple just transitioned to a taller screen with the iPhone 5, the first time Apple has changed the screen size on the iPhone since its launch.

In considering how Apple might make the iPhone's screen even larger, essentially the same set of issues debated before the launch of the iPhone 5 appears: more pixels or same resolution at lower pixel density. The latter solution in particular likely offers little for Apple, as the company is almost certainly uninterested in lowering pixel density simply to offer the same amount of screen real estate at a slightly larger physical size.

As for the former, Apple increased only the vertical pixel count for the iPhone 5, allowing for a larger screen while still offering full compatibility with apps designed for the smaller screens of previous devices. It seems difficult to believe that Apple would undertake yet another increase in pixel count so soon after the iPhone 5 debut, particularly if it involved increases in both vertical and horizontal directions.

iPhone5mod Launches Ultrathin Keyboard and Game Controller for iPhone 5 [iOS Blog]

Over the past several months, we've been following the progress of iPhone5mod, one of several companies that have developed unauthorized versions of Apple's new Lightning connector, allowing them to launch a number of accessories, adapters, and cables for customers frustrated by the slow pace of development on official solutions.

iPhone5mod is now launching an interesting new product today in the form of an ultrathin keyboard/game controller for the iPhone 5. The $49.90 EX Hybrid Game Controller consists of a thin back cover for the iPhone that provides magnetic attachment for a pair of 2-mm thick aluminum plates: one offering a keyboard and a second containing gamepad controls. The plates also include integrated batteries for up to 40 hours of active use, with a separate charging station for the plates included in the package.

TSMC to Begin Trial Production of Apple’s A6X Chip This Quarter

AFP reports on claims from Taiwanese newspaper Commercial Times indicating that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is set to begin trial production of Apple's A6X chip sometime this quarter. The chip is currently used in the fourth-generation iPad introduced in October.
The Taiwanese company has been contracted to manufacture the A6X chip, which drives Apple's iPad4 tablet, with trial production set for the first quarter of this year, Taiwan's Commercial Times reported.

The move is the latest in a strings of efforts by Apple to switch mass manufacturing contracts away from Samsung, it said.
Apple has been rumored for some time to be trying to switch to TSMC for production of its A-series chips, with some reports claiming that TSMC would be coming on board late this year for next-generation chips. More recent reports have claimed that TSMC could start production for Apple as soon as the second quarter, perhaps in line with today's rumor of trial production in the first quarter of the year.

Apple’s New iPhone 5 Ad Showcases Do Not Disturb… The Day After It Stops Working [Video]

Do Not Disturb on. Even when you don’t want it to be.

Apple has posted a brand new iPhone 5 advert to YouTube called “Dream.” Featuring tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams, it humorously promotes the Do Not Disturb feature that Apple introduced with iOS 6. However, Apple could have picked a better time to publish it. The clip comes a day after iPhones switched over to 2013 and the Do Not Disturb feature stopped working properly.

If you’re unfamiliar with Do Not Disturb, it’s a terrific feature that doesn’t get anywhere near enough praise. It’s a toggle that can instantly block all phone calls, text messages, emails, and other notifications from bothering you when you don’t want to be bothered.

The best part about it is that you can schedule it to work at certain times. For example, Do Not Disturb is automatically activate on my iPhone between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. every day.

The problem is, on Tuesday morning when we rolled over into 2013, Do Not Disturb decided it no longer wanted to schedule properly. Users found that it didn’t deactivate when it was supposed to, and notifications that they should have been receiving weren’t coming through. The only way to fix this was to shut off the scheduled feature and toggle Do Not Disturb manually.

For me, the feature still isn’t working properly today.

Nevertheless, Apple’s new iPhone 5 ad is a good one — probably my favorite so far. Check it out below.

Source: YouTube

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Apple Has Already Started Testing The iPhone 6 And iOS 7

It seems like the iPhone 5 just barely came out, but Apple is hard at work on the iPhone 6 – or iPhone 5S if that’s what they’re gonna call it. Starting the new year off, developers have already seen evidence that Apple is testing the next generation iPhone and iOS 7.

The Next Web has spoken to multiple developers who have shown them references to a new iPhone and iOS 7 being tested. Developers’ logs show that Apple has been testing new hardware that carries a ‘iPhone6,1′ identifier. The iPhone 5 carries an identifier that’s either ‘iPhone5,1′ or ‘iPhone5,2′ depending on the LTE model of the iPhone and which 4G bands it operates on.

Along with the iPhone 6 being tested, it’s running iOS 7 which Apple isn’t expected to release until mid-2013. The iOS 7 references have started appearing much earlier compared to iOS 6 references we saw last year. iOS 6 didn’t start appearing in analytics until a month before it was announced at WWDC.

The references to the new iPhone and iOS 7 did not reveal any clues about new hardware or software features. Are Apple’s engineers rushing to get a big iOS 7 update earlier than we’re expecting? Who knows. But as the first version of iOS with Jony Ives fingerprints all over it, we can’t wait till Apple lets us get our greasy hands all over it.


Source: TNW

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Build A Faster, Smarter, And Stronger Mac With The Yazsoft Mac Bundle [Deals]

A new year is upon us, and with that comes a time to refresh and renew your Mac. Cult of Mac Deals has a stellar offer to kick off the new year – one that will give you 4 powerful apps that will make your Mac faster, smarter, and stronger. And all for just $25!

The Yazsoft Mac Bundle consists of the following apps (Regular price is in parentheses):

  1. ShareTool 2: ShareTool is a fast and extremely secure way to remain connected to your home or office when on the go. (Value: $15)
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There’s no better time than now to pick up some apps that will help you start off the year right. This Cult of Mac Deals offer is designed just for that – all you need to do is pick it up…today. This $25 deal won’t last long!

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2013 iPhone and iOS 7 Already Appearing in Developer’s Logs

TheNextWeb reports that at least one iOS app developer has already spotted references to the next iPhone and iOS 7 in their app logs.
One developer showed us that Apple has been testing hardware relating to a new ‘iPhone6,1′ identifier, powered by a device running iOS 7, which is expected to be released by Apple in the middle part of this year.
For reference, the current iPhone 5 carries an "iPhone5,1" and "iPhone5,2" identifiers. The specific entries were associated with Apple campus IP addresses, making it more likely they were legitimate entries.

Apple first announced iOS 6 at WWDC 2012 in June. iOS 6 was then released to the public in September. The iPhone 5 was also launched in September 2012.

There have been few hints about what might be expected in iOS 7 and the next generation iPhone, though there have been persistent rumors of Apple investigating the use of Near Field Communication for payments. Other rumors have suggested that the 2013 iPhone could arrive earlier than expected with a mid-year launch rather than later in the year.

Apple Promotes ‘Do Not Disturb’ in TV Ad On Same Day as New Year’s Day Bug Discovered

Apple posted a new television ad today highlighting their "Do Not Disturb" feature. Professional tennis players Serena and Venus Williams are shown playing ping-pong against the narrator in a dream:

Ever had a really cool dream? I'm having one right now. I don't want to be disturbed. And I won't because before I went to sleep, I set this. Now my iPhone knows not to ring unless its important. Cause disturbing this would just be... Wrong.
Ironically, the new ad comes on the same day that a bug in the scheduled Do Not Disturb feature prevented it from turning off on many iPhones.

Samsung Teases New TV with ‘Unprecedented’ Shape and Design for CES 2013

CES 2013 promises to be very television-centric this year, with Samsung teasing a mystery TV product after reports that Intel will be be launching a set top box and cable TV service at the trade show.

The strong TV-focus of CES 2013 comes amidst persistent rumors that Apple is testing the waters with its own full-sized television.

Samsung recently released a new pre-CES teaser video and image of an HDTV.

On the company's blog, there is a picture of a portrait-shaped TV that is taller than it is wide. The television is depicted against an uninterrupted snowy background, possibly suggesting that the display is translucent. "A true innovation of TV design is coming up with an unprecedented new TV shape and timeless gallery design," reads the caption.

The image is accompanied by a video that was recently added to Samsung's YouTube page. In the video, an array of standard 16:9 televisions are depicted, both flatscreen and CRT, before Samsung's new television is displayed, hidden behind a white sheet. A description accompanying the video again boasts of an innovative design.
"As Samsung prepares to unveil a new TV at CES that is unlike anything the world has ever seen, all the other TVs are rushing to see the new TV."
Samsung often reveals prototype products at CES, last year debuting its "Smart Window" technology, which featured a touch-controlled interface atop transparent glass. Samsung could be unveiling a similar product this year.

Multiple reports have suggested that Apple is exploring this market as well, though it is not clear when Apple will introduce its own television product. Apple does not attend CES and will not be making any official announcements at the trade show.

CES will begin on January 8 and last until January 11, 2013.

NPD: Consumers Want Content, Not ‘Smart’ Features, on Their TVs

The Daily Mail is reporting that new NPD research has found that consumers want more access to online video services like HBO Go rather than "smart" features like social networking access on their TVs. The research comes a day after it was reported that Intel was planning to launch a TV service and set top box in 2013 that focused on content.

NPD said that a big problem is that TV owners are confused because too much choice is creating a complex user experience.
'To counter this, OEMs and retailers need to focus less on new innovation in this space and more on simplification of the user experience and messaging if they want to drive additional, and new, behaviors on the TV."
Luke Peters, Editor of T3 Magazine, told MailOnline that Smart TVs will only become mainstream when they're as easy to use as changing a channel. Peters also notes that most Smart TV user interfaces are too complex for most people and that the content isn't good enough and that social networking doesn't make a lot of sense on TVs.

Apple has long been rumored to be interested in creating a TV that focuses on content as well in addition to features that could change human-to-TV interaction with Siri, Facetime and motion control. Apple was also rumored to be in talks with cable services like Comcast and Time Warner Cable in mid-2012, although no content deals have materialized yet.

Apple, like Intel, has largely had problems negotiating with content providers because of contractual limitations with cable providers, which may be why Apple's TV offering hasn't appeared yet. Although Intel's offering is set to debut January 7 at CES there's no telling if or when Apple's may debut, although recently it's been rumored that Foxconn is currently testing television set designs in the 50 - 55 inch range.