15 Years of the SMS

mobile The mobile phone industry is today celebrating the 15th birthday of the Short Message Service Centre (SMSC), the principal application behind text messaging first brought to market by Acision in 1992. The first ever SMSC was introduced as a product designed primarily to deal with the demands and improve reliability of a developing mobile industry, and in that year the first of many deals was signed with Telenor.
Acision says that it has evolved the SMSC infrastructure from a basic ‘SMSC box’ to a complete next generation, IP-based SMS architecture, centred on Acision’s IP SMSC. This enables text management, a wide range of differentiating service scenarios and a single rack capacity of 16,000 messages per second that can grow to virtually unlimited levels. SMSC innovation has never stopped, with current state of the art future-proof, IMS-enabled platforms that can help operators improve quality of service, reduce costs and offer exciting advanced messaging services. Its value today is as crucial to the market as ever before.
Despite the rapid evolution of the mobile market, SMS is still the most important value-added service for operators. For operators looking to provide subscribers with robust messaging services, today’s mix and match platform means they can specify SMS capacity to meet their requirements.
View: Full Story @ Cellular news

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