Windows Live Writer b2 and WordPress

Image uploading fails

Description: When attempting to publish a post that contains images, you get a dialog that starts with „The following images cannot be published because the weblog does not support image publishing.“ (Also affects Writer Beta 1.)

Reason and Solution: Very large XML-RPC requests (such as image uploads) that don’t contain line breaks get truncated by the server in some configurations. A future release of Writer will insert breaks between XML tags. In the meantime, configure your blog to publish via FTP: select Weblog | Edit Weblog Settings from the main menu, and go to the Images section.

Bad Behavior plugin doesn’t like Windows Live Writer

Description: Blogs with the Bad Behavior plugin installed cannot be used with Windows Live Writer. Attempting to add the blog to Windows Live Writer results in a „403 (Forbidden)“ error dialog.

Reason and Solution: See this blog post by James McKay for a workaround. 

More solutions here…

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