April Fools Roundup

If you can’t beat them, join them – or in this case, umm, compile a list of URLs?
It’s April 1, 2007 and a Sunday at that, meaning the particularly slow news day has turned into a joke news day; we’re having a bit of trouble finding any serious news for the front page. We were planning to hit you with our own version of April Fools, but since that didn’t work out, here’s a collection of what the rest of the techie websites are up to. There’s everything from the mildly plausible to the insanely ludicrous, but we’re sure you’ll find something to give you a laugh. We evidently haven’t covered everything, so comment away with what you’ve found.
View: The Pirate Bay moves servers to North Korea

View: Google TiSP | Gmail Paper
View: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX/GTS’ Killer Bug
View: Real interview with Fake Steve Jobs
View: WoW Tinfoil Hat | WHoA
View: ThinkGeek – New Geek Toys
View: WinCustomize & deviantART to merge
View: Technology retrieves sounds in the wall
View: Window Transparency Security Advisory
View: Principality of Sealand to Bid for 2016 Olympic Games
View: 404 Error – Firefox and Internet Explorer Switch
View: The Ültimate Firefox extension
View: Ballmer joins Linux Foundation board
View: Microsoft Planning Xbox 360 Brute Edition
View: Apple, Google join forces for ‘ultimate phone’ | Research reveals mislaid microprocessor megahertz | Bloggers mourn bald, rich Fiorina
View: College Humor Domain Expired and Available for Purchase
View: uTorrent Acquired by MPA

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