Can a Rootkit Be Certified for Vista?

Forget what Microsoft says about Vista being the most secure version of Windows yet. More to the point, what do the hackers think of it? In a nutshell, they think it’s an improvement, but at the end of the day, it’s just like everything else they dissect—that is, breakable.
„Not all bugs are being detected by Vista,“ pointed out famed hacker H.D. Moore. „Look at how a hacker gets access to the driver: Right now I’m working on Microsoft’s automated process to get Metasploit-certified. It [only] costs $500.“
Moore is the founder of the Metasploit Project and a core developer of the Metasploit Framework—the leading open-source exploit development platform—and is also director of security research at BreakingPoint Systems. The irony of his statement lies in the idea that Vista trusts Microsoft-certified programs—programs that can include a hacker exploit platform that walks through the front door for a mere $500 and a conveyor-belt approval process.
Full story: eWeek

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