Installation is easy and straightforward. First of all download Jeroen Wijerings Flash Video Player here. Unzip the zipfile and upload the flvplayer.swf to an accessible directory on your server.

Next download the plugin source here and rename the file from wp-flv.php.txt to wp-flv.php. Upload this file to your WordPress plugins directory.

Login to your WordPress installation and activate the WP-FLV in the plugins menu. You’re almost done!

To make the plugin work it must know where to find the flvplayer.swf file. To do this you have to go to the options menu en choose the WP-FLV submenu. Now you change the required and optional settings for this plugin.

That’s it your finished!

Use of the plugin

The plugin replaces a special and simple <flv> tag with all the necessary and XHTML valid flash code. This <flv> has four attributes.


This is the only compulsary attribute. It holds the URL to your Flash Video file.


Optional attribute to set the width of the movie. If this value is not set it will use the default value as specified in the options menu.


Like width only now it sets the height


With this attribute you can determine wether the movie starts playing automatically or not. Set to either false or true.

Example codes:

<flv href="http://www.yourdomain.com/movie.flv" autostart="true" />
<flv href="/movie.flv" autostart="false" width="540" height="10" />
<flv href="/movie.flv" />

You can also use the FLV quicktag to assist you with inserting the right code.

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