The Belkin Thunderstorm Handheld Home Theater Gives Your iPad’s Audio An Extra Kick [Macworld 2013]


While the iPad’s audio has always been certainly passable in most situations, the tiny speakers that Apple crammed into the device aren’t anywhere near a suitable replacement for the sound quality that can be produced from larger, more substantial speakers.

In order to bridge this gap, Belkin is showing off at Macworld this year what they call the Thunderstorm Handheld Home Theater, a case for your iPad that integrates 2 4-watt speakers for a more immersive experience. Cult Of Mac’s Erfon Elijah talked to Brandon from Belkin at Macworld to learn more about the product.

The Thunderstorm Handheld Home Theater is essentially a large case for your iPad with a speaker unit built into the lower half. However, don’t let its simple appearance deceive you. The unit can pump out some pretty impressive sound that can easily fill a room. In addition, the case includes Smart Cover like functionality to prop up your iPad when it’s in use.

While Belkin won’t have a Lightning connector compatible version of the case out until spring of this year, you can currently pick up the 30-pin edition over at Belkin’s site for $199.

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While the iPad’s audio has always been certainly passable in most situations, the tiny speakers that Apple crammed into the device aren’t anywhere near a suitable replacement for the sound quality that can be produced from larger, more substantial speakers.

In order to bridge this gap, Belkin is showing off at Macworld this year what they call the Thunderstorm Handheld Home Theater, a case for your iPad that integrates 2 4-watt speakers for a more immersive experience. Cult Of Mac’s Erfon Elijah talked to Brandon from Belkin at Macworld to learn more about the product.

The Thunderstorm Handheld Home Theater is essentially a large case for your iPad with a speaker unit built into the lower half. However, don’t let its simple appearance deceive you. The unit can pump out some pretty impressive sound that can easily fill a room. In addition, the case includes Smart Cover like functionality to prop up your iPad when it’s in use.

While Belkin won’t have a Lightning connector compatible version of the case out until spring of this year, you can currently pick up the 30-pin edition over at Belkin’s site for $199.

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The Belkin Thunderstorm Handheld Home Theater Gives Your iPad’s Audio An Extra Kick [Macworld 2013]

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