Penultimate Updated With Evernote Integration, Price Cut to Free [iOS Blog]

The excellent iPad notebook app Penultimate has received its first major update since it was purchased by Evernote in May of last year.

The update adds Evernote integration, as well as a new feature to make handwritten notes in the app searchable. The app uploads notes to Evernote, which does all the handwriting recognition server side.
One of Evernote’s magic features is its ability to make handwriting searchable. We’ve applied this to Penultimate to help you find the notes you’re looking for. Just tap on the new magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of your screen to begin searching your notes. Search results fly in with either a yellow rectangle around the identified words or yellow highlighting in the note title.

Penultimate is a free download on the App Store. [Direct Link]

The excellent iPad notebook app Penultimate has received its first major update since it was purchased by Evernote in May of last year.

The update adds Evernote integration, as well as a new feature to make handwritten notes in the app searchable. The app uploads notes to Evernote, which does all the handwriting recognition server side.

One of Evernote’s magic features is its ability to make handwriting searchable. We’ve applied this to Penultimate to help you find the notes you’re looking for. Just tap on the new magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of your screen to begin searching your notes. Search results fly in with either a yellow rectangle around the identified words or yellow highlighting in the note title.

Penultimate is a free download on the App Store. [Direct Link]

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Penultimate Updated With Evernote Integration, Price Cut to Free [iOS Blog]

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