500px Photo Sharing Application Returns to App Store After Nude Photo Concerns [iOS Blog]

Last week, Apple pulled the 500px photo sharing app from the App Store over concerns about "artistic" nude photographs on the service.

Today, according to reports from both TechCrunch and 500px's Twitter feed, the app has returned to the store.
The app returns with an age-gate warning, advising that the content in the app is for 17+ audiences, and also adds a new “Report Photo” button to help users quickly tag things they find offensive for potential removal from the network.

The app still has a category for “Nude” photos for logged in users, however, which is an impressive allowance on Apple’s part
The return of the app follows the removal of Twitter's Vine as an 'Editor's Pick' on the App Store after a pornography scandal on that platform.

500px is a free download on the App Store. [Direct Link]

Last week, Apple pulled the 500px photo sharing app from the App Store over concerns about „artistic“ nude photographs on the service.

Today, according to reports from both TechCrunch and 500px’s Twitter feed, the app has returned to the store.

The app returns with an age-gate warning, advising that the content in the app is for 17+ audiences, and also adds a new “Report Photo” button to help users quickly tag things they find offensive for potential removal from the network.

The app still has a category for “Nude” photos for logged in users, however, which is an impressive allowance on Apple’s part

The return of the app follows the removal of Twitter’s Vine as an ‘Editor’s Pick’ on the App Store after a pornography scandal on that platform.

500px is a free download on the App Store. [Direct Link]

Read article here: 

500px Photo Sharing Application Returns to App Store After Nude Photo Concerns [iOS Blog]

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