PPTP – Pigeon Packet Transfer Protocol

PPTP – Pigeon Packet Transfer Protocol 

Pigeon Packet Transfer Protocol – (PPTP) is a new revolutionary wireless packet transfer technology.  Instead of physical cable media, network packets are attached to the backs of pigeons and transferred between locations by air.  

Pigeon Packet Delivery is cost effective because no expensive hardware is required.  However, pigeons do not deliver the same level of security as a top-line router solution.  These primitive birds can be captured during their flight, but since most people never pay any attention to them, they will blend in with the normal street pigeons.  This will make it extremely difficult for the hackers to trace.  Pigeons deliver only the individual Internet packets and do not understand the actual packet contents. Therefore pigeons can be allowed to carry any types of packets to and from certain locations. Pigeons cannot analyze the travel path to detect dangerous areas (eg. large cars, busses, aggressive people with sticks, etc.).  If a bird is lost during a transfer, the same packets can be resent using a different body.  In many cases the packets will be worth more than a single pigeon.

PPTP is a popular choice for smaller organizations with a modest budget looking for a reasonable level of network connectivity at low cost. Pigeons could also be effective in larger networks when used in conjunction with larger predator birds speeding up the process in real time. This solution requires giving up some of the less productive pigeons to feed the predators. At the same time, more space needs to be dedicated as these two type of birds will not live in the same cage. 

The proper setup of PPTP requires both a very detailed knowledge of Internet Protocols and a strong background in bird care. We recommend that organizations ensure their birds take proper rests in-between delivery trips. Always seek professional advice from your local zoo specialist about your choice of pigeons.


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