Apple, Google tops in loyalty survey

Apple, Google and Symantec are among the high-technology
companies with the most loyal customers, according to a new report
based on data from early last year. The company conducted three
separate studies looking at the Online Services, Computing, and
Consumer Services sectors of the high technology industry, assessing
various companies’ commitment to maximizing customer experience and
driving revenue growth through customer loyalty. Satmetrix sought to
discover how likely customers were to recommend the company to a friend
or colleague, creating a proprietary Net Promoter Score for each
company. Apple received the highest score for the ‘Computer’ category,
while Google was first in ‘Online Services’ and Symantec tops in
‘Consumer Software.’

„The companies with the highest Net Promoter scores are well known for
their market performance and brand leadership,“ said Dr. Laura Brooks,
vice president of research and business consulting at Satmetrix
Systems. „Apple, whose score far outranks its closest competitor, is
well known for its passionate and dedicated customer base. Google’s
high Net Promoter Score establishes it as a clear leader in the
emerging market of online services, with corresponding strong
performance in share price. Symantec, in the more highly competitive
and established consumer software business, is beginning to
differentiate itself, largely on the strong showing of its Norton suite
of products.“

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