The Smoking Airline

July 12, 2006

It’s one of the largest, most committed and most ignored niche markets that’s ever existed, so the news that Smoker’s International Airways
(SMINTAIR) is planning to take to the skies in March 2007 catering just
for smokers has that familiar flash of the “bleeding obvious” that
accompanies any winning idea. Back in 1964 when the inaugural United
States Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health enlightened the
world about the dangers of tobacco usage, the practice of cigarette
smoking was quite fashionable. Remarkably, more than two thirds of all
US males smoked at that time and in some countries, the smokers
numbered three in every four males. Since then education has enabled
smoking rates to halve, though in most countries at least 20% of the
adult population still smokes. Throughout this period, two countries
have remained steadfast in upholding smokers rights – Germany and Japan
where more than a third of all adults still smoke. The prospective
airline envisions a return to the values of the sixties, complete with
plenty of legroom, a pampering of the passengers, beautiful hostesses
and the ability to smoke anywhere you wish – ALL SMINTAIR seats will be
smoking seats. Logically, the first SMINTAIR 747 will fly between
Dusseldorf and Narita (Tokyo).

airline is currently in fund raising mode which should be no problem
with former stockbroker Alexander W. Schoppmann at the helm – Mr
Schoppmann’s thoughts on the philosophy of the airline offer an entertaining read.

gizmag Article: The Smoking Airline

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