Asus P305 3G Flip Smartphone

Asus305-3gSee? Didn’t I tell you we’d be busy at 3GSM? Here’s yet another new handset. This is the Asus P305 3G Smartphone. Yes, this is it – don’t be fooled by those other fuzzy shots on the web. The Asus Press Release (which can be read below) states that the device – the first 3G phone-sized flip Windows Mobile we’ve seen – will run Windows Mobile 5.0 with that new „Direct Push“ email stuff and will have a high-speed CPU to enhance video calls and streams. This also means that it’ll out-perform any 3G mobile phones in the market with 384Kbps downlink/uplink transfer rate. A bold claim indeed.

The Asus P305 will also have Bluetooth 1.2, a mini-SD expansion card slot and IR.

More details below, plus you can find some more shots of the device here at the

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