Motorola Q to get 3G Functionality

Moto_logoThis as you may know by now is the Motorola Q. We’ve heard quite a bit about this, plus it was being shown off at CES at various stands. Today at 3GSM Motorola have announced that there is to be a 3G version of the Motorola Q. This means faster data transfer and a better browsing experience.

Motorola-q-3gsmBut the bit we want to know is… when will it be available ? Well, Moto are now saying, „The first Motorola Q is expected to be available this quarter on CDMA/EVDO and available for operator trials in late Q4 2006.“ … Operator trials? Umm.. Oh. Looks like we may be waiting until Christmas for the Motorola Q to appear on major networks. Motorola really need to get their skates on with this device, otherwise it’ll be overtaken by one of the many new competitors currently appearing.

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