Етикет Лични

Be careful with isc-bind 9.13.1

Removed Features named can no longer use the EDNS CLIENT-SUBNET option for view selection. In its existing form, the authoritative ECS feature was not fully RFC-compliant, and could not realistically have been deployed in production for an authoritative server; its…

DualStack/tcp46 web and mail server

You can verify it via commands dig www.ostreff.info AAAA traceroute6 www.ostreff.info curl -6 www.ostreff.info   It’s funny to see that in ipv6 worlds my site is 6 hop away. In ipv4 it’s 7 hops away.   Jordan-Ostreffs-MBP:~ jostreff$ traceroute6 www.ostreff.info…