Jordan Ostreff

Jordan Ostreff

How to grow zfs on FreeBSD running inside VMWare

Live ZFS resizing inside VMWare should be possible, but there are several steps: – First you should resize your virtual disk in VMWare configuration. Recomendation is all virtual disks to be similar size for best performance in VMWare.– Ideally VMWare…

DualStack/tcp46 web and mail server

You can verify it via commands dig AAAA traceroute6 curl -6   It’s funny to see that in ipv6 worlds my site is 6 hop away. In ipv4 it’s 7 hops away.   Jordan-Ostreffs-MBP:~ jostreff$ traceroute6…

Network weathermap plugin for Cacti 1.0

Следвайки инструкциите на е възможно да имате отново работещ weathermap в Cacti 1.x. Все още има какво да се корегира по кода, но основната функционалност като визуализиране (без clickable maps) на weathermap и тяхното редактиране работят. Ключови моменти на…

Using Hurricane Electric free DNS service for slaves

So apart from setting ns[2345] as your DNS servers at your registrar and adding a slave at you need to do the following: Allow transfer AXFR to Server that pulls zones is, not Remove from allow transfer ACLs if it was…