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I entered a conference room in Manhattan and a woman on the TV tossed a handful of rose petals out of the screen, where they floated in the air before my eyes.At least, that’s what I saw. In truth, the…
The mass market for WiMax technology faces a number of challenges, but will probably reach its potential within five years.„Now that the certification of WiMax equipment has started and coverage areas have begun to expand beyond basic trials, WiMax equipment…
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Норвежкият сайт Amobil направи тест на 45 модела мобилни телефони, за да открие на практика по колко време издържа батерията на всеки от тях в режим на разговор.
Bill and Melinda Gates today called upon world leaders to „put the power to prevent HIV in the hands of women“ by accelerating the search for microbicides and other new HIV prevention tools. Bill Gates said he thought the discovery…
Explain why a Macintosh pull-down menu can be accessed at least five times faster than a typical Windows pull-down menu. For extra credit, suggest at least two reasons why Microsoft made such an apparently stupid decision. It’s one of those…
Напоследък започнаха сериозно да ме нервират разни автоматични програмки, които успешно добавяха разни коментари към различни теми по blog-а. Това започна да ми създава проблем защото всеки ден ме очакваха около 20-тина такива коментара които чакаха моето одобрение за да…
Along with the AMD and ATI merger, Asustek and Gigabyte have just announced a major joint venture plan between the two companies. This joint venture will allow Gigabyte to use Asustek facilities for manufacturing Gigabyte video cards and motherboards. Gigabyte…